Reach 10,000,000+ Candidates
Make your job posts visible to more than 10 million
monthly visitors and instantly reach the highest choice
of qualified applicants.
Easily Find Relevant Talent
Use auto-screening, questionnaires, video
assessments, and AI-powered filters to focus on
relevant CVs and save time and effort on hiring
Seamlessly Contact & Hire
Access your applicant’s verified phone number and
email address with a click of a button and quickly move
on with interviews and offers.
How to Post a Job on Bayt
Features of Bayt Job Postings
Access your applicant folder and notes for 120 days so you can compare talents and hire the most qualified candidates whenever you’re ready.

Reveal the phone number and email address of your favorite applicants and reach out directly to arrange interviews, tests, and next steps.

Get custom notifications and complete CV information for each applicant. View, sort, tag, share, and organize CVs as needed.

Set up automated filters and questionnaires to filter out irrelevant and disqualified applicants from your CV inbox.

Use our smart job description builder to define the responsibilities, skills, and required qualifications for your vacant positions.